Back in the early days of Prim and Propah, I knew nothing about crafting the most visually stunning post but I did know something about crafting other things... ummm, like
crafts! Since it's National Craft Month (
Hooray!), Wayfair tasked me with finding one of my very oldest
crafts, sitting at the depth of my blog feed, to do a Redux on! Well, there were some doozies down there, let me tell you but I thought the perfect one for me and the little guy to do together would be to bring new life to
this old post right here. I chose this old post for a few reasons.
#1 We legit lost or misplaced this star bank. As of sometime since the kid arrived, my husband and I literally have no idea where it went. I firmly believe there was at least $30 in change in there, and possibly a few dollar bills, so as you can imagine, it hurts a little to not know where it went to.
#2 My son has these little snack containers that I have a really hard time throwing out (
because I love a good container) but also struggle to find new purpose for them.
#3 The kid just loves putting things into other things! I thought we could use the previous directions (
or lack thereof) as a starting point for this new batch!
Materials Needed in addition to the box snack containers?
Pinking Shears
Fabric Shears
Tacky Glue
1/4 yard of
Clearance Fabric
Scrap of matching/complimentary fabric
Embroidery Floss Fabric Paint
Small Razor Blade
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I basically used
the same method that I did to "whip" up these patchwork initials for the baby's nursery but I used larger pieces for this project to save time when I had a toddler co-worker who is often affected with a short attention span. Even though I didn't do a great job explaining the process in the original post, fabric decoupaging is something I've been doing for years! The idea that I had was to cover the base of the container with our fabrics of choice and I would trim the scraps off the side with a razor blade or scissors (
not to be touched by child hands)... for ease of completion, we worked in long strips that wrapped around the snack container. I let Wes play with the glue and he did a hell of a job schmering it.
I spray painted the lids on my own, outside, without the help of a child, because, you know, CHILD. Similarly, the next step is a great childless one as it involves cutting the space where you'll put your change and dollah bills. If they really want to be involved you can do the cutting and let them poke the piece through since that's obvi the funnest part.
This is a place where you could stop if you wanted but I thought it would be cute to make three of these and have a label for each of us: Me, My Husband and the Kid... you know, saving our change for the frivolous things we like to spend money on. I was a little distracted by a child painting/coloring/having fun in the same space but I managed to hand paint some white fleece that I had hanging around. I think they came out sort of cute!
As the Propah Toddlah gets older, we're going to "spoil" him less and less (
or so we've decided). We think that this is a great way to show him that he can save for something fun and earn through helping him Mama and Dad out. We're not quite there yet but at least we've got the cute containers to start!
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