We flew into Belize International airport though, it was unlike any I had been in before. Once we landed there, we boarded a much smaller passenger plane that took us to San Pedro Island, which was about a 15 minute flight.
We stayed at one of the best resorts on the island, Victoria House, which offered us a private dock, beach and some of the loveliest grounds we saw on our travels through San Pedro town and Belize itself.
I loved the pelicans though the locals think they are super annoying but we seriously sat on our first entire day on the beach, watching pelicans effortlessly dive for fish. It was really cool, I don't care what anyone has to say about it! We also had a hummingbird and some randoms that lived outside our balcony at the resort. These little guys took up a lot of our time trying to catch on film. I suppose you could call us amateur bird watchers now as well as amateur shark/dolphin watchers as well as amateur iguana watchers. We like animals, OK?
We did our fair share of exploring the town as well as went on excursions to Belize mainland. We had a fantastic time relaxing, taking in the absolutely glorious weather and myself, not wearing any makeup on my face for an entire week, sweet liberation!
What do you think of my very condensed Honeymoon update?