*This post was written in collaboration with Moms Meet and National Geographic Explorer Academy. All opinions are 100 mine and as always, thank you for supporting Prim and Propah!
I will not miss out of the opportunity to get my kids some cool new books. Now that Wes can ready pretty well, especially for an almost 7 year old, we are really digging into all the new avenues that have opened up now that I don't have to read everything to him at every juncture of the day! When I had the opp to snag the Explorer Academy Series of Books, I didn't hesitate... this seemed right up our alley!

My son is a strong reader for his age but still needs some help with big words and a little bit of comprehension but we started these books as soon as they arrived. We took turns reading each page, alternating between me and him. I can tell that he loved starting this series because the books have an "older kid" feel to them... because, well, they're recommended for kids aged 8-12. Without giving too much away about the plot and such, this is most definitely a kids adventure book but is not specific to "boys" or "girls" but rather makes space for any child who wants to experience a little mystery, adventure and a great story, that I would assume carries through to the next books (
though we haven't made it that far yet)
Book One: "
Cruz Coronado applies to attend an exclusive school for explorers, the Explorer Academy, where his mother worked before dying in a mysterious lab accident. Plunged into a world of critical missions and code breaking, Cruz embarks on a global hunt for a secret formula that could reveal his hidden past. But it might be difficult—especially when you don’t know who you can trust."

On top of the books, I love that National Geographic has built a
robust companion website that not only covers the reading but also has videos, games, education, art from the books and much more! My kids love to have their "
screen time" so I've added this to the bookmarks on their tablet for further exploration that I would consider much better than your standard kids youtube fare. It just feels good to be able to trust that between the books and the website, I can put myself on auto pilot a but knowing that if he's reading/using
Explorer Academy, then he's using his imagination and perhaps even learning! It's nice to be providing this reading enjoyment to him *pats self on the back*. Overall, this series is definitely one that I'd recommend! The team at MomsMeet and Explorer Academy sent me an additional set to giveaway, so rather than do your standard giveaway on the 'nets, I went to my local Buy Nothing group, which has been an amazing community support especially during the pandemic, and I offered them up, mentioning how great the books are. These found a home with another child in my community and I am so grateful to have been able to share Explorer Academy in multiple ways! Check out how you can get the first book in the series, at a discount, below!
I'm sure that your kids will love Explorer Academy, too so I am sharing a special discount code! The team at National Geographic is offering 50% off the first book, The Nebula Secret. Click here to use your special code 50OFFEA1 on Amazon. Offer valid 1/18/21 through 3/19/21 or while supplies last.
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