If you follow me on
Instagram, I am sure you have seen my stories over the past few months to a year in regard to my fitness. I am going to toot my own horn here and just put it in the records that I have been working out very consistently for at least a year now, and I am pretty friggin' proud of how committed I have been. Historically, for me, fitness and physical activity has come in ebbs and flows, depending on the chapter of life that I have been in. I started a bootcamp right before our wedding (
a chapter of life) and that was probably the best shape I had been in since playing Rugby in college (
another chapter of life). Motivating myself is always the struggle but for some reason, this chapter of life has really made movement a real priority for me.
I have noticed changes in my body; better flexibility and strength... both things I am proud of. The number on the scale hasn't gone down, so it's been a struggle to keep motivating myself without that "difference in weight", an indicator that has historically had the most impact on me and my urge to continue. Retraining my brain to accept other things, like the flexibility and strength, as measures of success is the real challenge, but I'm working on it! How am I keeping things interesting and keeping myself motivated?
Fitness Apps and Challenges
I started the year with
Asics Studio 21 Day Challenge and posted about it on social as a way to keep myself motivated/held accountable and to be honest, this did wonders for me and getting into a groove. I find that I am able to motivate myself when I have one or all of the following: an accountability partner/structure, a good challenge, possible friendly competition and above all else, something enjoyable (
read: not grueling or boring) to do. The apps and challenges are also great when you are kind of like meh about your current workout schedule because they can introduce new exercises into your routine without having to be face to face with an instructor... but on the flip side, sometimes I benefit from being in front on an instructor lol.
Different Classes
This one is key for me because if I don't keep things interesting, I will get bored and will be more likely to slack off. I try to make everything fun and of course, drop into classes that I have never tried before. Yes there are classes I don't go back to (
I'm sorry, I just don't really like barre!) but I love spinning (
I got new TIEM spin shoes just for classes!), Fight class (
think martial arts inspired cardio), weight lifting, bootcamp, HIIT and then I do try to run at least once a week even though, guys, I really just will never love running. I don't think I'm built for it or have it in my genes. But what I am trying to say here is that when I keep things interesting, I am more likely to make it to my workouts and also, I'm less likely to hurt myself by focusing on only one type of class or exercise. Keep things interesting and you might just have more fun!
At Home Workouts
Even when I am short on time or really not in the mood, I try to at the very least, make a go of something fitness related at home. Whether this is doing some weights or core work in the basement or a little bit of yoga just to get my body moving, there are always options for me to "move", even when I'm really, and I mean really, not feeling like making the time. Every day is different and we have to be kind to ourselves.
Making Friends
This has been a big one for me in the past year. I was once the woman who shuffled into the gym with her kids and her bags in tow, ignoring everyone then doing the same on the way out. Now I have made such lovely friends at the gym, people that I can scowl at jokingly during a hard workout, people who have advice on different things to do, people who have kids and understand the daily struggles. There are a number of boxes being ticked with these new friends I have made at the gym. Human (adult) interaction is extremely important and these ladies have my back! When I am excited to see people, you guessed it, I am more motivated to get my butt to the gym, especially when I've already told someone I would be there lol. Be warned though, if you make friends at the gym, they will probably be able to talk you into a Spartan Race. doh!

This isn't so much a "how to be fit" blog post but rather a "this is how I am managing it in this season of life" blog post. Every day is different for me and I have to talk myself into driving to the gym at least twice a week but once I am done my workouts, I'm usually very tired but I also feel very proud of myself for working on my physical health and well being. I'd love to hear what you do to keep interesting in your life, because I'm sure I'll be looking to switch things up in 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1!