*I received this product for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com), May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms Meet blogger, I agree to post my honest opinion on my blog.*
As a Mom of two young boys (as you all mostly know), I try to be "cool" while also comfortable while on the go, living the adventurous little life that we so enjoy living. To find a brand that fits my visual aesthetic while also being comfortable and responsible in many senses of the word, is pretty much all that I am looking for in a brand that I support. We vote where we spend our money and the only thing that prAna is lacking for me is a kids selection. Check out my most recent prAna additions, the Deedra Sweater Tunic and the Kara Jean. This is most definitely the perfect combo for a Fall Mom uniform or actually, the perfect Amanda/ wellness ambassador/ activist/ homemaker/ baker/ crafter/ all around awesome go getter uniform!
The materials that prAna uses to make their clothing will no doubt leave you feeling good about your purchase while also feeling good about how you look. Organic cotton, recycled wool, hemp, recycled polyester, and responsible down are just some of the notable materials that prAna has lined up to create fair trade, responsible and sustainable made apparel for men and women. Respect for the planet and its people- I'm on board with that.
Want to shop prAna for yourself? The kind and lovely folks over at prAna are offering Prim and Propah readers the opportunity to save 15% off of their order from today through November 17th using code: MMALF17... oh, and don't forget to use Ebates to get 4% back on your purchase... what's on your list?!
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