Friday, December 16, 2016

Cheat Sheet: Pregnancy Skincare Must Haves

You guys, pregnancy is not the most glamorous thing to ever happen to a woman's body. I know that they say that pregnant women have a "glow" and while that may be true for some, this Mama and Mama to be has needed to keep her skin in check throughout the course of the pregnancy. I have some of my normal skincare faves that have seen me through and I've had to supplement some new items into the rotation but I've found the perfect combination of items that have kept me looking the best I can at this point! 

To make note, every woman's skin is different and heck, it changes based on our hormones whether we're pregnant or not so sometimes it's best to try different things. A lot of brands will even give you samples if you ask them. You can also head into stores like Follain or Detox Market, if you live in those areas. They are always happy to help you find what works for you. OK so back to what I recommend? I love all of these brands, for real and I urge you to check them out regardless.

Organic Bath Co.'s PeaceFull Organic Body Butter and Stress Less Organic Body Oil: First of all, the smell. So glorious and full of lavender that I just can't help but be drawn to it... pregnancy is a funny thing though. Smells are like a major deal and if something smells even a bit "off", you just won't want to use it! Besides loving the smell, this duo has kept my skin super moisturized, especially as the seasons have changed and my usual preggo dry skin is getting Winterized. I keep a large jar of body butter in the bathroom and the travel size at my work desk for any spot treatments! Full Body Honorable Mention: Thesis Beauty Organic Lavender Fields Body Oil

Khaki's Bomb Balm Flower Power Healing Toner: Since starting to get regular facials, my esthetician has given me a routine to follow after cleansing. She's especially recommended things due to the discoloration that I've been experiencing on my face due to #PregnancyHormones so I've been really trying to work things in that may not have been there before... toner is one of those things. I met Khaki at the W.E.L.L. Summit so decided to give her toner a try... and I love it! She herself is an esthetician, makes her skincare in small batches and best of all, she's local and you know that I'm always on board for that. Toner Honorable Mention: Jacques Organics Balancing Carrot con Leche Face Toner.

Thesis Beauty Lullaby for Dry Skin: I think it's safe to assume that everything I am recommending comes with the same passing grade on "smell". This face oil, being directly under my nose, smells great and isn't overpowering. This face oil has been a part of my normal routine and has seamlessly remained in said routine because of it's ability to moisturize without leaving my face feeling greasy. It absorbs quickly so that I can move on with my facial routine and my day. Facial Serum Honorable Mention: Josh Rosebrook Herbal Infusion Serum

Splurge Skincare Melted Buttah Repair Balm: This is one of those handy little jars that I've been bringing with me everywhere, especially recently because #ColdSeason. I use this for my cuticles, I use this for my raw nose nostrils (from all the tissues, glamorous I know), I use this on a itchy scratch elbow. It really is very multi-purpose and has a light and sweet scent that I love... I really think it's the smell that has made this my pregnancy favorite all purpose balm. Repair Balm Honorable Mentions: Skincando Combat-Ready Balm (my usual go to) and Organic Bath Nourish Night Balm

Derma e Psorzema Body Wash: Itchy, Itchy, Itchy, Itchy... it's what can happen when your body is all like hey, we have to keep growing this baby so something's got to give. I, personally, felt WAY itchy this pregnancy so had to combat it from a couple of different angles. This derma e body wash is technically geared towards those with dermatitis and the like but it's a natural, gentle formula that cleanses away scaling and flaking skin while soothing itchiness, redness and irritation on the bod... so yeah, thumbs up.

True Moringa Calming Bath Soak: Taking a bath... it's a small luxury that I don't take advantage of quite enough but I did enjoy trying one of my fave local brands newest creations and used my delicate state as a reason to take the time out for the extra self care. This calming bath soak has THE MOST AMAZING smell (see a theme here?) and when you sprinkle this under your hot water, it makes for the most aromatic and relaxing bath that just calms and soothes the skin. I've also got it in my head that I can do a facial steam with this over the sink but haven't yet tried it... but me thinks it will be amazing. It's really one of my fave "new finds" and it's like creating a spa at home!

21 Drops Sleep Blend: I can't say enough about 21 Drops, especially the sleep blend. It's absolutely the best at calming me down at sleepy time. I've tried other essential oil blends and this one is my favorite. Roll a little on my wrists, under my nose and at my temples and breathing deeply as I lay down is a great calming routine in itself but I truly believe that there is power in essential oils.

What are some of your favorite recommendations for Mama's to Be? I'd love to get your feedback, though this may be the last time I'm personally pregnant! 