Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lavender Hair, the After

I am sure if you follow me on any of my social media networks, you know that I have been yammering on about taking the plunge! No, not getting married... I am talking about taking some inspiration from Kelly Osbourne's lavender locks and doing it myself! Last week, on a whim, I stopped in at my salon to do a strand test, which then led to me making an actual appointment. I love my stylist, Rachel (Hi Rachel!) so obviously could not be a no show, else I would never be able to show my face again. Also, I had been talking so much about it, I sort of had to do it... so I did!

I had actually been making myself really nervous about this. For now, I work in an office environment where I ocassionally am called into corporate type meetings and sent to corporate type places. The weekend prior to this new do, I Googled all sorts of articles on professional appearance and unnatural hair color... really psyching myself out. I was convinced if I did this, it would be a knock to how I could be respected as a prodessional, whatever that means.

The color ended up being lighter than the stylist or I expected but for anyone who colors their hair they know it can sometimes be a bit of a suprise with what comes out due to a multitude of factors. I am actually glad that the lavender came out more of a purple gray. It's more conservative than the original color was intended to be. It is also a good starting off point to go a little darker the next time around. It's also less of a shock to those who are more inclined to natural hair colors... so I think it's a win.

The great news is that everyone at work loves it, even those who I thought might have been slightly uncomfortable with it. I think this is a great stepping stone to perhaps a more vibrant lavender next time; maybe even lifting the color from my hair to give  it a more candy color feel. Who knows but I do know that I am super happy with the results.

What do you think?

*Wearing Ganesh Elephant Printed Blouse from Ruche, Rock Star Skinny Jeans from Old Navy


  1. I like it! Interesting how different the lighting refelcts the all you need is some gorgeous lipstick :)

  2. I think there are plenty of great colors I can wear! I'll have to check out your blog. Have any that come to mind?

  3. I really love Kelly Osbourne's lavender hair too and I think the color suits you well! And that is the most adorable pussy bow blouse I have ever seen ohmahgawd!! Elephants remind me of my grandma, they're her favorite <3


  4. I LOVE elephants. It's actually kind of scary how if I see anything elephant related, I want to buy it! PS. I stopped over your place and the Batman flats are adorbs, like seriously!

  5. i'm in love with this! you're so rocking it. i like that it's lighter at top, almost a reverse ombre thing going on.


  6. I think you look great! It looks like it will be just fine in any corporate environment. Fabulous choice!

  7. Looks awesome!!! Totally love it :)

  8. OMG! I love it!!!! I'm so jealous!

  9. You have dark hair so you could even do a deeper purple! You'd be surprised how much people will like it.

  10. Thank you! You only live once, right?!

  11. Hey Caroline! Thanks for the positive reinforcement! xoxo back at ya!

  12. That's because of my roots, Alicia haha! Thank you xoxo

  13. Good for you! I love looks amazing! I need to get some guts and do something wild and crazy with my hair. Nice work!!!

  14. I figure you only live once AND hair can be cut and grows back! @twitter-905047610:disqus just go for it!

  15. Hey Amanda! Glad you love your hair! (I do think it looks even better in person ;)) I love your blog so far! It just may be a new 'Obsession Alert' for me!

  16. Yay! Thanks Rachel! i agree, it does look better in person ;-) and I think I will be a little more daring next time around!

  17. Amanda, I found your blog because I Googled "how do I dye my hair to look like Kelly Osbourne's". I too am obsessed with dyeing my hair purple. Are you willing to share specific color info that I could take to a colorist?
    Thanks! Margie

  18. Margie, I am not quite sure what my color number or mixture was. I am a natural blond and what my hair stylist did was do a strand test and give me a couple of different shades to choose from when it came time to actually dye my hair. I would say that if your hairstylist wanted to call mine, that probably wouldn't be an issue. Rachel at True Salon in Framingham, MA is the best and helped me perfect it.

  19. Amazing! I hadn't noticed you were in the Boston area. I live 30 mins. from Framingham and will try to get an appointment with Rachel myself. I'll be sure to mention your name unless you object. Thanks!

  20. I have no objections whatsoever! That is a pretty amazing coincidence!


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