Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What Makes for a Good Accessory?

What makes for a good accessory? I am not an expert, by any stretch of the imagination (as learned by my short stint watching Project Accessory) but I do know what I like and what makes me feel good. Isn’t that what accessories are supposed to do? Make you feel good? 

ac·ces·so·ry [ak-ses-uh-ree] noun, plural ac·ces·so·ries,
1. a subordinate or supplementary part, object, or the like, used mainly for convenience, attractiveness, safety, etc., as a spotlight on an automobile or a lens cover on a camera.
2. an article or set of articles of dress, as gloves, earrings, or a scarf, that adds completeness, convenience, attractiveness, etc., to one's basic outfit.

So to follow part of the definition, in our case, to accessorize is to add attractiveness to one’s self. Hmmm, I don’t know if I completely buy that. Yes, accessories can make us look more pleasing to some eyes (ie glittery jewelry, a new studded bag, b!tchin’ platform sandals) but I would like to think that an accessory should more so make you feel better about yourself and exuding your own personal style than to just serve the sole purpose of adding adornment to your appearance for others.

Let me explain a little more about what I mean. When I am out shopping and I see a pair of absolutely humongous earrings that border on garish but yet, make me think of "me"? Well, I am more likely to get them because they fit with my sometimes outspoken personality. I don’t really care if your sister, my cousin or our co-workers really looooooove them. I mean, it’s a bonus when you get a compliment, but if I am feeling fierce in some glitzy costume jewelry, that is what makes them so special, the way they make me feel. If I buy a pair of Valentino shoes for my wedding, should I care that you all are thinking "Oooooh Valentino" or "Oooooh what a snob"? No. No because man those shoes make me feel like a million bucks, figuratively, not literally.
ac·ces·so·ry [ak-ses-uh-ree] noun, plural ac·ces·so·ries,
1. a subordinate or supplementary part, object, or the like, used mainly for convenience, attractiveness, safety, etc., as a spotlight on an automobile or a lens cover on a camera.
2. an article or set of articles of dress, as gloves, earrings, or a scarf, that adds completeness, convenience, attractiveness, etc., to one's basic outfit.
So what makes for a GREAT accessory? An accessory that makes you feel complete, is the way you want to go. Whether it's a purse to hold your dog in or that scarf that keeps you warm but makes you look chic, you want to be sure that accessories don't just serve the simple purpose of adding to your appearance. You want an accessory to represent you, make you feel great and if it's sparkly? Well, that's just a bonus.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! :)


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