Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Non-Textile Project: COMPLETE

So last night my midterm project was due. This was the non-textile project that you have probably been hearing all about if you follow me on any of my social media outlets. It was a labor of love and at some of the low points, a labor of distaste for coffee filters, tea bags and hot glue... Overall, I rose to the challenge and so did my classmates. There were some truly awesome designs made with some really creative items. 

So as you know, I used the following items to build my non-textile design: Peppermint tea bags, small and large coffee filters, cabinet liners and eucalyptus leaves spray painted gold. My design (check out original here) that I presented to my instructor took some twists and turns in the actual construction process but at the end of the day, sort of turned out as originally designed.

I dip dyed the coffee filters in Wine colored RIT dye and also dripped the same dye onto the tea backs for a spotted design. The idea was to cohesively pull the colors in with the gold eucalyptus leaves which were the bit of snazzy. While no tea bag was the same, the designs worked nicely together in a “plaid” pattern on the skirt and botton of the bodice on the top. I worked and worked (and overworked) on the skirt which went from being floor length to the much shorter version you see here. The length just didn’t work for me. Plus, I went on a gluing rampage and may or may not have overworked said skirt with some leaves. Anyhoo, here you have my finished work.

My teacher actually didn’t have too much negative to say about it. While she wasn’t crazy excited about it (like she was the clam dress and tile dress which I will show you in just a moment) she thought I did a fantastic job making tea bags look almost like a quilted fabric. She liked my details and “fragrance” of my separates, haha. I was SO nervous all day about the critique I would receive but it ended up being very positively received from both my teacher and my fellow students.

Teacher's Favorites, and I can't blame her... they are awesome.
 Some of the other designs that were totally noteworthy were as follows:

Made from beer cans (yes beer cans), tissue paper and feathers.
Made from meshed cardboard and bubble wrap, all painted with acrylic
Easter themed, made from vintage wallpaper, candy and Easter basket grass
Craft foam and cellophane, painted with acrylic
Pipe cleaners and trash bag
All from Starbucks, napkins and cupholders
What do you think of what we, the Intro to Fashion Design Tuesday evening class, put together?