So I don't know if you guys know this yet, but I am going to New York Fashion Week (yes, using my vacation time and my own hard earned money for the travel and accommodations) and I must say that I am pretty friggin' excited.
I got my "in" from The Fashionable Housewife (a thank you Sarah-Jean) and am attending a Glam Media dinner in her stead. This dinner itself makes me pretty happy because it is at the restaurant at Barney's, which, hey, is pretty much a few steps up from where I usually dine.
So the dinner is one thing but the equally as exciting thing? It's my first ever fashion show which is legit part of New York Fashion Week. Through Glam Media, I got myself a pass to the Improvd show at Lincoln Center. What's up, Big Time? OK, I take back that this is my first ever fashion show. I was actually a model in a vintage clothes show for my hometown's Women's Club back in High School... it was a resume builder OK? Anyway, I am psyched about the Improvd show because I really don't know what to expect here... but I do expect to have fun.
Other things I plan to check out on my short stay in NYC? Mood Fabrics (hello Project Runway Fabric store where I will want to purchase fabric to make things with), the Improvd Manhattan store, Bryant Park and Lincoln Center dressed up for Fashion Week aaaaaaand possibly the Uniqlo store in Soho. I went once in London and I have been salivating over my return ever since.
I will surely be updating on my adventures from my train ride down to my stay in Long Island City (Hey, do you think I could afford to stay in the City close to where I needed to be? Dream again, ladies.) to my exploration of the Garment District. I am just crossing my fingers for good weather 'cause Mama has a brand new pair of Farylrobin's to rock for Fashion Week!

Love it!